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3 Ways To Address Your Fears As A Parent

We are daily winging this thing called parenting. This has nothing to do with our class or belief. Parenting comes with a unique experience for individuals. What we experience with one child is different from another child. Let’s take, for example, my kids. As a baby, my first child had a hard time transcending from her baby food to more adult-like food. We had to spend a lot on multi-vitamins and new diet regime but none seemed to work. However, with my younger child, the journey has been different. She will rather eat what other adults are eating than her baby. Regardless of these differences we experience while parenting, there is one thing that I can say we share in common. “Our desire to ensure that our kids live a better life than we do”. It is from this desire that our fears as parents arise. The what-ifs start with our fears. ·          What if our kids don’t turn out as good as we imagine ·      ...

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